Comfort zone

What is a comfort zone?

I know there are official and serious definitions, but today I’ll give you mine!

Do you remember that feeling, when you had a big problem, you were sad, and after a horrible moment you could finally reach your own, private place, when you could sit down, breathe and be yourself again?

Your comfort zone is the mix of routine, places, jobs, people you can be yourself and be confortable with. We can say, where or when you can have that same feeling!

When you leave your own one, especially the first time, you feel an anxiety you didn’t have before. Things seem harder, time is slower, communication sometimes complicated; you miss your family and friends, your own bed, your daily and well known routine, which was maybe boring for you, but you knew how to face it.

My comfort zone has always been my own room, in my hometown or wherever I live. I love to spend time with my friends, but I often need to stay on my own; so, when I have to go out often, I also go out from my comfort zone, and there is where I come back again when I want to take a deep breathe and have some real privacy.

But my zone is not just a place! It’s made by the time I can spend with the things I love, the people I like, the food I prefer. When I don’t have time to write or play games, I have to take last minute decisions, or when I have to eat something which doesn’t give me satisfaction, I start feeling uncomfortable.

BUT! What happens to you when you leave your comfort zone for more time? It happens that you (may) change and grow up, if you want to.

Next time I’ll tell you how! For now… what is your comfort zone? Did you already try to leave it?

[a comfort zone is when you can relax like a cat sunbathing!]


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